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How to get perspective
Written by Richard Docwra
In the modern world, it is easy for us to get immersed in our busy, complex lives and to forget that we are each just a collection of atoms in a much wider world and universe.
At Life Squared we think that it’s important to take a step back every now and then and look at our lives within the great scheme of things. This can not only put our own lives and problems into perspective but also teach us some humility!
This leaflet shows 10 things that will help you gain a sense of perspective on your life.
Short eBook
5 minutes to read
3 minutes to listen
6 minutes to watch
Teaching materials - video
This is the same basic video but with a different ending, to encourage conversation between children and teachers or parents
Teaching materials
A set of brief notes for teachers on how to use the above video to stimulate further conversation and learning in the classroom.
click to read text below